Payment. Your Way.
At GMT Travel Co., we want you to have a choice of how you pay and with that came the choice to not 'built in fees' to cover a 'no fee credit card fee' policy. We also understand that money many not be accessible the day that full payment is due, which is why we chose to work with TravelPay Later; making booking and paying for your trip as easy as possible to
Get You There.
Cost of Aceptance fees
Direct deposit is fee free.
MasterCard attracts a 1.2% merchant fee.​
Visa attracts a1.4% merchant fee.
AMEX attracts a 1.8% merchant fee.
Interest free monthly installments with TravelPay Later powered by Latitude*
Dream, plan and book your next adventure with
up to 12 months interest free*
Ask us for more details and how you can TravelPay Later
your travel plans to Get You There.
GMT Service Schedule